Kumpulan artikel dan tips seputar VCC dan PayPal

Tips Komplain PayPal


I can understand when your accounts gets LIMITED, it can really be a pain in the ass to keep calling PayPal and every time you get to talk to a Jerk who has no clue what’s going on.

What’s more painful is the fact that none of PayPal’s customer central phone number and/or email addresses are visible to a common person and on an average we need to sit on hold for more than 20-25 minutes by calling the 1-402-935-2050 (The only number visible when you click on Contact Us link)

If you are calling from outside United States & Canada you are basically throwing your money on phone bills. A voice call using skype or yahoo or msn messenger would be a good idea to choose while calling PayPal especially.

Here are all Phone numbers belonging to PayPal but make sure you know the fact that PayPal has bunch of Jerks working for them.

4:00 AM PDT to 10:00 PM PDT Monday through Friday
6:00 AM PDT to 8:00 PM PDT on Saturday and Sunday

1-402-935-2050 (a U.S. telephone number)
(877) 672-9725 1-877-6-PayPal
(888) 221-1161 help center
(402) 537-5740 (fax)
(866) 272-9725
(800) 836-1859 Premier Account Holders
(650) 251-1100
(402) 935-2000
(402) 935-2001
(402) 935-2062
(402) 935-7733
(402) 537-5740 FAX
Help Center: (888) 221-1161

PayPal Phone Numbers: America & Canada

1-402-935-2050 (Toll Number)
1-888-215-5506 (Toll Free Number)
1-888-221-1161 (Toll Free Number)
1-408-376-7400 (Toll Number)
1-650-864-8000 (Toll Number)
1-402-935-2284 (Toll Number – Banking and Check Issues)
1-402-935-2212 (Toll Number – ACH Processing & Check Services)
1-402-935-2255 (Toll Number – Account Review Department)
1-402-935-2257 (Toll Number – Account Review Department)
1-402-935-2223 (Toll Number – PayPal Compliance)
1-402-935-2250 (Toll Number – PayPal Compliance)
1-402-935-2000 (Toll Number – Customer Service Department)
1-402-935-2007 (Toll Number – Customer Service Department)
1-402-935-5181 (Toll Number – Debit Card Services)
1-402-935-2116 (Toll Number – Escalations Department)
1-402-935-2129 (Toll Number – Escalations Department)
1-402-935-2238 (Toll Number – Management, Escalations Department)
1-402-935-2239 (Toll Number – Fraud Prevention Department)
1-402-935-2251 (Toll Number – Manager, Resolutions Department)
1-650-251-1101 (Toll FAX Number – Never Fax w/o a Case Number!)
1-408-376-7514 (Toll FAX Number – Never Fax w/o a Case Number!)
1-402-537-5755 (Toll FAX Number – PayPal Chargeback Department)
1-402-938-2337 (Toll FAX Number – Compliance Department)
1- 303-395-2802 (Toll FAX Number – Compliance Department)

PayPal Phone Numbers: United Kingdom

08707/ 307 191 (UK Calling Rates Apply)
0870/730-7191 (UK Calling Rates Apply)
0208/ 6053000 (Landline Phone Number)
020/8605 3001 (UK FAX – UK Calling Rates Apply)

PayPal Phone Numbers: Australia

(02) 8223 9500 (Australian Toll Rates Apply)

Keep sending Email’s to every address every day of the week:

moldenburg@paypal.com (Michael Moldenburg, Paypal Complaints)
sthompson@paypal.com (Scott Thompson, PayPal President)
mhentges@paypal.com (Mary Hentges, CFO PayPal)
crme@paypal.com (PayPal Office of Executive Escalations)
mvergara@paypal.com (Mike Vergara, Senior Director Accounts Protection)
lfriedberg@paypal.com (Larry Friedberg, Sr. Manager Brand Marketing & Security)
cwong@paypal.com (Catherine Wong, Senior Product Manager Merchant Services)
mbarrett@paypal.com (Michael Barrett, Chief Information Security Officer)
slivnat@paypal.com (Sarah Livnat, PayPal Risk Management)
press@paypal.com (Let public relations know you are filing complaints)
apires@paypal.com (Amanda Pires — Media Relations Contact)

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