Kumpulan artikel dan tips seputar VCC dan PayPal

Mengatur Currency PayPal

Use the Currency Balances section of your account profile to manage your currency balances, including:

  • Opening or closing currency balances
  • Selecting your primary currency balance
  • Converting funds from one currency balance to funds in another currency balance.

People can pay you in the following currencies; you maintain PayPal balances only in those currencies that you specify.

Table 1. Currencies and Currency Codes Supported by PayPal
Currency Currency Code
Australian Dollar AUD
Canadian Dollar CAD
Czech Koruna CZK
Danish Krone DKK
Euro EUR
Hong Kong Dollar HKD
Hungarian Forint HUF
Israeli New Sheqel ILS
Japanese Yen JPY
Mexican Peso MXN
Norwegian Krone NOK
New Zealand Dollar NZD
Polish Zloty PLN
Pound Sterling GBP
Singapore Dollar SGD
Swedish Krona SEK
Swiss Franc CHF
U.S. Dollar USD

Selecting Your Primary Currency

Your primary currency is the default currency for sending and requesting payments. If your account has multiple currency balances, you can change which currency is the primary.

To select the primary currency for your account:

  1. Log in to your PayPal website at https://www.paypal.com.

    The My Account Overview page opens.

  2. Click the Profile subtab.

    The Profile Summary page opens.

  3. In the Financial Information column, click the Currency Balances link.

    The Manage Currencies page opens.

  4. Click the radio button next to the currency you want to use as the default and click the Make Primarybutton

    The Manage Currencies page confirms that you changed your primary currency displays (Primary) after the currency name.

Adding Currency Balances

If you want to accept payments in a particular currency, you must add that currency to your account. When you add the new currency, all future payments that you receive in this currency are automatically credited to this balance.

To open a balance in a new currency:

  1. Log in to your PayPal website at https://www.paypal.com.

    The My Account Overview page opens.

  2. Click the Profile subtab.

    The Profile Summary page opens.

  3. In the Financial Information column, click the Currency Balances link.

    The Manage Currencies page opens.

  4. Select a currency name from the Select new currency dropdown menu and click the Add Currencybutton.

    The Manage Currencies page confirms that you added a currency balance and displays it in theCurrency list.

Transferring Amounts Between Currency Balances

Use the Manage Currencies page to move amounts from one currency balance to another. Before confirming the transfer, you can see the currency exchange rate that PayPal will use.

  1. Log in to your PayPal website at https://www.paypal.com.

    The My Account Overview page opens.

  2. Click the Profile subtab.

    The Profile Summary page opens.

  3. In the Financial Information column, click the Currency Balances link.

    The Manage Currencies page opens.

  4. Type the amount that you want to transfer in the From field and select the currency name from the dropdown menu.
  5. Select the currency name that you want to receive the amount from the To dropdown menu.
  6. Click the Calculate button to see the amount in the new currency that will be transferred and the exchange rate used to calculate that amount.
  7. Click the Review Exchange button to see the details of your pending transfer.

    The Review currency exchange page opens.

  8. Click the Exchange Currency button to complete the transfer.

    The Manage Currencies page displays the updated balances for the two currencies you used.

Closing Currency Balances

You can close a currency only if there are no funds in that balance. If you still have available funds in that currency, you must transfer those funds to a different currency before you continue. If you receive any future payments in a closed currency, you will be given an option to accept or deny each payment.

To close a currency balance:

  1. Log in to your PayPal website at https://www.paypal.com.

    The My Account Overview page opens.

  2. Click the Profile subtab.

    The Profile Summary page opens.

  3. In the Financial Information column, click the Currency Balances link.

    The Manage Currencies page opens.

  4. Click the radio button next to the currency that you want to close.

    Note: If the currency does not have a zero balance, you must transfer all funds to another currency before you can remove it.

  5. Click the Close Currency button.

    The Manage Currencies page confirms the removal and displays an updated currency list.

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