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Apa itu E-check ?


Baru aja ada customer yang tanya2 soal echeck, gara2 ga ngerti jadi ga bisa jawab deh. Maaf yaw. Saya bener2 ga ngerti. Tp sekarang dah ngerti kok :p Tanya lagi donx ho8 Echeck itu :

You sent a request for money to someone and the payment came back in the form of an eCheck. What is an eCheck, and how does it differ from an instant PayPal payment?
In the same way that Quasi-cash is the equivalent of cash in the physical (as opposed to online) world, eChecks are the digital counterpoints of the pieces of paper found in a checkbook. When someone sends you an eCheck as payment, the funds won’ t be deposited into your account for three or four days (however long it takes for the eCheck to clear).

eChecks from the buyer’s point of view

From the buyer’s standpoint, sending an eCheck is advantageous; the funds are left in the buyer’s bank account for a few extra days, earning interest, and no credit card debt is incurred. To send an eCheck, in response to an invoice or Money Request, you need to have a bank (checking or savings) account linked to your PayPal account. Here’s how:
1. When you receive a request for money, click the Pay button to make a payment.
2. On the Pay Money Request page, click the More Funding Options link under the Funding Options section of the page.
3. On the Funding Options page, select the eCheck option and choose which bank account to use.

If necessary, you can link a new bank account to your PayPal account by clicking the Add Bank link.
4. Click the Continue button.
Verify the payment details and click the Send Money link.

eChecks from the seller’s point of view

If you receive an eCheck payment, you get a PayPal e-mail informing you that Cash is on the Way! If you hoped for Cash is Already Here! you may feel a little disgruntled, but the good news is that you’ll get payment in three or four days.

If you look at the transaction in your PayPal Account Overview, you see a status of Uncleared until the funds are transferred from the buyer’s bank account. It’s important that you don’t mail any items to the buyer until after the payment has cleared.

From a seller’s standpoint, there’s one big advantage to getting an eCheck. Unlike other PayPal fees, which are charged as a percentage (usually 2.9 percent) of the value of the item, the total fee for an eCheck won’t exceed $5.00. If you’re selling an item that’s valued at over $162, you’ll get a break on the transaction fees. If the item is very expensive, you can save a good amount.

Refunding eChecks

It came happen: A red-faced seller might actually admit that the item description wasn’t an accurate representation of the item, and offer to refund your payment. If you paid via eCheck, the seller could have issued a refund. Like other PayPal payments, the seller could not have initiated the refund until the funds had been deposited into his or her PayPal account.
As with any PayPal payment, the eCheck payment must be refunded within 60 days after the payment was sent. PayPal reimburses the seller for any PayPal fees charged against the transaction.

Blocking eChecks

Some sellers don’t want to wait for their money and decide to block eCheck payments. If you decide to block eCheck payments, you can
1. Log on to your PayPal account and click the Profile link to go to the Profile Summary page.
2. Click the Payment Receiving Preferences link, which you find under the Selling Preferences column.
3. Check the eCheck for Web site and Smart Logo payments with PayPal option.
4. Click the Save link.

Buyers can no longer pay for your items with eChecks.

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